We had the honor and privilege to plan and design a party for The Knot, hosted at the fabulous Cannon Green. We are extremely lucky to live in a town with so many amazingly talented professionals, and it was such an incredible experience to work with so many to pull together this event. We had a blast seeing all of our friends in the industry out and about ! We truly love what we do and wanted to share a few pictures from the event. Enjoy!
Planner | Mac & B. Events | macandbevents.com
Photography | Aaron and Jillian Photography | aaronandjillian.com
Venue/Catering/Bar | Cannon Green | cannongreencharleston.com
AV/Lighting | TEC | technicaleventcompany.com
Tent | Sperry Tents Southeast | sperrytentssoutheast.com
Furniture Rentals | EventHaus | eventhausrentals.com
Linen Rental | Connie Duglin | connieduglinlinen.com
Table Top Décor Rentals | Ooh! Events | oohevents.com
Floral Décor | Stephanie Gibbs | stephaniegibbsevents.com
Tree Décor | Plants Alive Events | plantsaliveevents
Pillows & Coordinating Specialty Linens | Nuage Designs | nuagedesigns.com
Cake | Delicious Desserts | verydeliciousdesserts.com
Paper Goods | The Silver Starfish
Beauty/Makeup for Executives | Paper Dolls Wedding Hair and Makeup | mycharlestonweddinghair.com
Beauty/Hair | Charleston Events Hair and Makeup | charlestoneventshairandmakeup.com
Beauty/Hair & Makeup | Jonny Cosmetics | jonnycosmetics.com
Entertainment | Blue Stone Entertainment – Seth G. | bookbluestone.com
Entertainment | Other Brother Entertainment – The Missing Links | otherbrotherent.com
Entertainment/DJ & Slow Motion Booth | EPIC Charleston | epiccharleston.com
Entertainment/Abstract Painting | Wed on Canvas | wedoncanvas.com
Entertainment/Break Dancers | Other Brother Entertainment | otherbrotherent.com
Favors – Candles | A Signature Welcome | asignaturewelcome.com
Videography | Film Anywhere Productions | filmanywhereproductions.com
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